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Quality policy

A Informa D&B applies working methodologies to guarantee its customers receive the products and services that meet their needs. To this end, it undertakes to comply with the requirements of the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 standard as well as the regulatory and legal requirements applicable to its activity, ensuring the continuous improvement of its Quality Management System.

It aims to stand out:

  • for the quality of the products and services it provides, always geared to the specific needs of its customers, and using all possible resources to ensure that the information provided is reliable and complete;
  • for the commitment to identifying the customer’s requirements and the effort made to meet them, as well as to defend the interests of each customer;
  • for the strong innovation component, where it constantly seeks to identify new and better sources of information, as well as the application of the most reliable technologies to process the information and make it available to the customer in a timely manner;
  • for its ability to respond to its customers’ demands.

The application of these principles in Informa D&B’s daily activity is monitored through quality objectives and monitoring indicators, which are periodically evaluated to ensure effectiveness and suitability.