The best decisions are based on reliable data. Informa D&B provides several types of company reports, with varying content, suited to different needs. All of them seek to substantiate decisions made with complete confidence.
Our offer of Reports covers two groups: General reports – containing global information about a company and some data from all areas – and Topic reports – which focus on a specific area of interest and have a specific purpose.
All reports include an executive summary, which provides an overview of the company under observation and therefore a more informed approach to the details that follow.
Get to know the different Reports about Portuguese companies that Informa D&B can provide you.
This Report contains the most information and enables knowing a company in detail, in comparison with the corresponding sector, to make informed decisions with complete confidence.
It includes the balance sheet and income statement, financial ratios, risk of failure assessment, risk of payment default, in addition to all information on the company’s structure, legal incidents and decision-making powers.
It presents the exact snapshot of a company’s financial capacity, compared to its sector, enabling knowing the company’s real situation, its financial capacity and the level of risk for customers and suppliers.
It includes the balance sheet and income statement, financial ratios, risk of failure, in addition to all information on the company’s structure, legal incidents and decision-making powers.
It portrays the company’s commercial behaviour, enabling the support of credit decisions and the prudent selection of business partners. It contains the information needed to set limits on a business relationship.
It includes the assessment of risk of failure, in addition to all information on the company’s structure, legal incidents and decision-making powers.
Full characterisation of a company’s structure, providing knowledge about a business partner’s profile.
It includes a risk of failure “traffic light”, and all the information about the company’s structure and decision-making powers.
It contains the necessary data for approaching a potential client in business meetings and preparing a proposal.
It includes general data on the structure of the company and its decision-making powers.
It gathers all the negative information about a company, making it easier to make critical business decisions quickly.
It includes all data on legal proceedings (insolvency, special revitalisation processes, lawsuits, etc.), on the tax situation and on the possible presence on the Public Execution List.
It gathers all the data on how a company pays, and on the risk of default on payments, in order to enable prevention by taking credit control precautions in business relationships.
It includes everything about the company’s risk of delinquency, payment history and experiences, comparison with the sector and with the risk of failure.
It presents all the data on legal incidents, and the assessment of a company’s risk of failure, enabling a perception, in several aspects, of the risk it represents.
It includes everything about the company’s risk of failure, its legal incidents, the company’s structure and its decision-making powers.
In addition to all the data on legal incidents and the assessment of the risk of failure of a company, it also presents the risk of payment default, enabling a more comprehensive perception of the risk that the company represents.
It includes everything about the company’s risk assessment, its legal incidents, the company’s structure and its decision-making powers.
It contains the data that enables knowing the financial health and the commercial practices of a company.
It includes the balance sheet and income statement, as well as information on markets.
Data gathered about a company at the request of those who need to receive more data about it, or for research, analysis or addition of specific data, by a specialist.
It includes all the data of a Full Report, with the addition of the data collected during the requested investigation.
It contains the value of a given company, enabling any negotiation or measure that lacks this information. In addition to the valuation, in euros, the Report contains information on the valuation methodology, comparison with other companies in the sector, sensitivity analysis, etc.
To support the best decisions, we access the world's largest database - the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network - and provide the report with the most complete information on the companies that interest you.
Informa D&B offers a service to access international reports with information from the world's largest database of financial, commercial and marketing information - the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network. This service provides access to more than 550 million companies in more than 221 markets and is available exclusively to our customers.
Through the international information service, you can consult the report with the most complete information on the companies that interest you, as well as monitor your portfolio.
All changes in the portfolio of customers, suppliers, competitors and other partners are immediately reported by Informa D&B’s monitoring services.
Seeking to monitor domestic entities on a daily basis (e.g. incidents, changes and legal notices), our database automatically sends a warning about all changes in selected companies.
To better control and minimise the commercial risk of your portfolio of companies, we help you categorise and structure it in a simple way, taking into account the characteristics of your business. You will thus immediately receive information on all relevant changes affecting the companies in your portfolio.
Free daily e-mail service with alerts about incidents, changes or legal notices involving selected entities, i.e. in portfolio in the customer area.
Creation of a portfolio with selected companies, and of sub-portfolios depending on the type of relationship with each entity (i.e. customers, suppliers, competitors, etc.), or in the most convenient way. It enables a more organised and agile perception and management of your pool of business interests. It also enables receiving daily alerts about incidents, changes or legal notices that occur in each company.
It enables a general and aggregate perception of the portfolio of companies and, using filters, it enables obtaining data related to the risk of failure of your portfolio, the state of activity, the sectors of activity, the size of the companies that compose it, among others.
The Radar Service delivers information about the change that has occurred, simultaneously providing an alert about the occurrence of a change. That is, in the same e-mail message, there is an alert and detail about what has changed in the company under surveillance by the Radar Service.
The Premium Radar Service adds the possibility of freely consulting the most useful Reports in each case, and analysing the portfolio with additional features in order to perceive its current situation, as a whole and in detail, by sub-portfolio, by levels of risk of failure, by state of activities, among other aspects.
The alerts service allows you to keep an eye on selected companies, recording any changes that occur.
The service user is notified by e-mail of any changes, as well being granted permanent and free access to the Company Report, where any data on the companies on alert is stored. Using the graphics provided by the platform, you can monitor the information relating to each company