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International information

Dun & Bradstreet is a strategic partner of Informa D&B, in addition to being an important business partner.


Partnership with Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet is a strategic partner of Informa D&B, in addition to being an important business partner.

Our clients can analyse and interpret, with the same criteria, data about any company, regardless of the country where it is based. This is because the integration of our information into Dun & Bradstreet’s global information platform is performed according to a common methodology for collecting, processing, analysing and updating information. For that reason, the analysis and classification of companies at a global level is performed the same way, both at Informa D&B and Dun & Bradstreet.

The consistency, which makes it so easy for our customers to consult data and communicate globally, stems from the use of two valuable patented tools:

  • DUNSRight® is the most complete and rigorous process for converting business data into knowledge to support decision-making;
  • D-U-N-S® Number – Data Universal Numbering System Number – is a unique Dun & Bradstreet tool that differentiates economic agents with a unique nine-digit identification number. Assigned and maintained by Dun & Bradstreet alone, this number, already received by 550 million economic agents in 221 countries, makes it possible to identify global links between entities, based on location.

Informa D&B participates in the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network (D&B WWN) in two ways:

  • the sale of Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network products, in Portugal and Spain, is done exclusively by Informa D&B; that is, business reports, international databases and value-added solutions (analytical products and software);
  • in the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network, data on Portuguese and Spanish companies and entrepreneurs, sold all over the world, are exclusively data from Informa D&B.

This is a unique alliance of information companies, covering 221 countries, and is the most complete source of local and global information on companies. Informa D&B is the only company in Portugal to offer online access to a global database of commercial, financial and marketing information.

Informacion Nacional 2 Mundo