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Public and voluntary sectors

The experience acquired in projects carried out with various Public and Social Sector entities has allowed us to develop the most appropriate solutions to meet specific needs.

Therefore, we provide solutions for the entire non-business universe of the Portuguese economy. The technical rigour and constant innovation that we introduce in the processing of information, making it increasingly more complete and accessible, are entirely focused on supporting decisions with confidence.


Central Government

The possibility of having access to the entire business universe in Portugal, and simultaneously the ability to deepen knowledge for individual cases, provides the central public sector universe with all the necessary information to effectively monitor, track, measure and manage all the companies with which they relate, or control and analyse.


Regional and local government

Our data, worked and transformed into knowledge, allows us to make a detailed analysis of all the business dynamics (incorporations, closures, exports, etc.) of a given region, so that local entities have the ability and the information required to define policies to retain and attract companies, contributing to the creation of wealth and employment.


Associations and foundations

The possibility of increasing the negotiating capacity and, therefore, the interest they represent for associates and potential associates, leads multiple associations to seek Informa D&B’s products and services. These provide them with a simultaneously comprehensive and in-depth view of the associated companies and the sector they represent.

In the voluntary sector, it is crucial to know both the representativeness of the market and the evolution of the sector where it is inserted or of the region where it operates. This information combined with all the knowledge about the associated companies, individually and as a whole, can be decisive to attract more associates and to better negotiate with the official entities.



Knowledge is also essential in universities for the management and even study of business phenomena, in which INFORMA has been working for over 110 years.

Access to information about companies is fundamental for selection and decision-making in relations between educational entities and third parties, as well as for the understanding and study of business phenomena.

At INFORMA, we have all the contents, depth of information, history and currentness of the data that seek to enhance the good management (financial areas, marketing and human resources) and academic (teachers/researchers and students) activity of educational establishments.

Conocer Competencia

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